Technology Scouting
Data Driven, Acceleration, Customized Scope
We provide:
insight and access to Disruptive and Adjacent New Technology
assessment of Competitive Technology Advantage in specific (new) markets
insight and access to top Technology Experts & Networks
in order to optimise the R&D & Open Innovation Policy Decision Making.

Open innovation
What new technologies can we foresee that will impact our Business Performance? Which technologies will be disruptive? Which are complementary to our current technology assets?

Competive Intelligence
What new technologies can we foresee that will bring us competitive advantage is specific markets? What are our (potential) competitors developing and the chance they bring it to market?

Talent Hunting
Who are the key experts in specific technology areas? In what network do they work? Which of them do we want to work for us? Do we hire them? How do we want to co-develop/collaborate ?

The way we work
- We are technology independent, so we are able to cover each technology at a Global Scale.
- We scout using real-time, up-to-date data of several sources (open and protected).
- We work according a straight forward stepwise approach:
1. understanding the client specific request for technology insight and scope,
2. defining the customized search algorthims,
3. selecting the right data sources,
4. building the visualisation of the output,
5. create access to our analyse-tool Kenelyze™
We create indepth insight and easy accessable output
We visualize output accessible via our SAAS-tool Kenelyze™, for all chosen internal and/or external stakeholders by our client.
Optimize the positions of elements in customized visualization using leading layout algorithms in network analytics.
Kenelyze™ allows you to filter your output using an intuitive interface and construct combined filters based on any numerical or textual attribute.
Technology experts can use the outcome to continue additional analytics supporting decision making processes. If required, we can add data with extended scope and search requests.

We believe to connect and start experimenting.
In a pilot we can share our knowledge, expertise and way of working. You will experience how it will make you and your company stronger in making better decisions and become ready for the future.